When you click on �Update Incoming Email Settings�, ScanDBX will display the account settings for receiving email on the selected account, and allow you to change them and test the new settings.
Once you have corrected the account settings, you can click the �Test� button to test them with your email server. Once the settings have been tested, ScanDBX will save them so that Outlook Express will use them when next it starts up.
There are three types of incoming email account settings: the server settings, account settings, and advanced settings. ScanDBX cannot correct these settings automatically because they are particular to your ISP and ScanDBX cannot know if your username and password are incorrect. This means that to correct the information, you will have to get the information from your ISP and fill in the appropriate fields in the dialog. Information on each of these types of account settings follows:
Server Settings
This is the name and type of the server that you download your email from. If you do not know your server settings, you will need to get them from your ISP�s website or customer service.
You can set the server name, the server type (IMAP or POP3), and the server port. Most users will not need to modify the server port settings. The �Set to Default Port� button lets you reset the port to the �standard� port if you change the port accidentally and don�t remember what the default setting is.
Account Settings
Your account settings are the username (�Account Name�) and password which you use to connect to your mail server. If you do not know them, you will need to contact your ISP�s customer service to obtain them.
Outlook Express has the ability to remember or save your password so that you do not have to type it in every time you check your email. Checking the �Remember my Password� box will make ScanDBX save your password so that Outlook Express can use it from now on.
Advanced Settings
Outlook Express has the capability to connect to your email servers using a secure connection (i.e. SSL). By checking the �This server requires a secure connection (SSL)� box, you can enable this behavior in Outlook Express. NOTE: Not all email servers support SSL! Many times, checking this box will actually prevent you from checking email. You should only check this box if your ISP instructs you to connect using SSL.
Some email servers use a protocol called �Secure Password Authentication. By checking the �Log on using Secure Password Authentication� box, you can enable this system in Outlook Express. NOTE: Not all email servers support Secure Password Authentication! Many times, checking this box will actually prevent you from checking email. You should only check this box if your ISP instructs you to connect using Secure Password Authentication.
ScanDBX will not test accounts which have the �Log on using Secure Password Authentication� box checked.