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Accounts that are not scanned

There are several reasons why ScanDBX may not scan a particular email or news account:

  1. Outlook Express may not include the account when sending or receiving email or news. By default, ScanDBX does not scan accounts if they are not included by Outlook Express. You can change this behavior in the Scan Options dialog (under the �Options� menu), or enable a single account by double-clicking it in the list or highlighting it and clicking �Fix Selected Account�.
  2. Certain types of email account (such as HTTP mail, or accounts using Secure Password Authentication) are not scanned by ScanDBX.
  3. ScanDBX will not scan accounts if Outlook Express has not been instructed to save the password and the user chooses to skip the account rather than enter the password.

You can choose to activate an inactive account in ScanDBX and test it for problems:

If you double-click on an account in the Account List Dialog, or select an account and click �Fix Selected Account�, and the account was not scanned because Outlook Express does not check the account, ScanDBX will offer you the chance to re-enable the account in Outlook Express and test it.

If you select �Yes�, ScanDBX will save the enabled account settings and test the account. If you select �No�, ScanDBX will return to the account list.