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Mail Store File Scan Results

ScanDBX will display a summary of the file scan results when it is finished. This will tell you of what ScanDBX has done as well as warn you about possible future problems involving your files.

The icons at the head of each row have the following meaning:

A green checkmark means that ScanDBX scanned and (if necessary) repaired your files successfully with that scanner.

A yellow triangle with exclamation mark is a warning that you need to do something with your files to avoid future problems. Select this row and click �More Details� to learn more.

A red circle with an �X� indicates that an error occurred while scanning or repairing your files. Select this row and click �More Details� to learn more.

You can select each row of the grid to display more details about a given scan. When a row is highlighted, you can also click the �More Details� button to get a summary of what that file scan did with each of your mail store files.

The Scans performed the Mail Store File Scanner are:

Each row in the details dialog gives information about the results of the file scan selected in the summary dialog. The icons at the head of each row of the details dialog have the same meaning as those in the summary dialog.

Once again, you can select each row to get more details on the scan results for each file.